BAW16236 - Waterford Rise - Stage 56 - WebTile

3 Reasons to Buy in and Established Estate

March 22, 2019

There are numerous reasons why you should buy in established estate as opposed to a new estate – here are three of them. One – Know Your Neighbours Every estate you go to promises that every home will beautiful and […]

VCAT ap­proves Water­ford Rise 7-Eleven

March 13, 2019

(Imaage for illustration purposes only) A ser­vice sta­tion in the Water­ford Rise res­i­den­tial estate has been ap­proved by VCAT at the en­try to Water­ford Rise. The service station will be located on the Princes Way on the corner of Crole […]

World Jousting Championships – Warragul (June 1 & 2)

March 6, 2019

Shine your armour, prepare your trusty steed, sharpen your sword and prepare for battle. Visit Baw Baw is excited to announce the World Jousting Championships descending upon Lardner Park on June 1st & 2nd 2019. It may surprise some that […]

New Kinder to open soon in Warragul

Warragul is a step closer to securing 132 new kindergarten places with construction starting on a new Early Learning Centre with completion expected in the second half of 2019. Co-located at Warragul Primary School the new places  will be for […]

Farm World coming Thursday, 11 April 2019

Farm World, widely regarded as Victoria’s largest premier regional agricultural event, attracts more than 55,000 visitors and over 800 exhibitors, plus conference sessions, workshops, demonstrations, equestrian competitions, and great all round fun. Open daily from Thursday, 11 April 2019 to […]

March 2019 Developer Update

Stages 46 & 47 (41 Lots) Fencing is now almost complete as we wait for Statement of Compliance, Titles and then settlements. (Above and below) Stages 48 & 49 (30 Lots) Stage construction has finished and compliances commenced. (Above and below) Stages […]

The Wonderfully Diverse Waterford Rise

Waterford Rise is a wonderfully diverse community with 35% of the residents born overseas. This is more than the Warragul population that has just 18% of all people born overseas (Census 2016). The Waterford Rise melting pot features people from […]

The Village Feast Jindivick – Saturday, 30 March

The Village Feast Saturday, 16 March 2019 | 12:00 PM to 09:00 PM The Jindivick Village Feast is the day trip of your dreams. Located just over one hour from Melbourne (or 16 mins from Warragul) the tiny town of […]

Waterford Rise bowls sponsorship winners

WATERFORD RISE OPEN PAIRS EVENT – MONDAY 4th FEBRUARY 2019 Waterford Rise is always keen to be involved in the local community with our latest sponsorship at the Warragul Bowls Club. WINNERS GRAEME DAVIS & BILL CLAPPERS with Ann Maree […]