Waterford Rise Developer update 01 12 2019

November 28, 2019

Developer update

As Warragul residents will now doubt attest, the past 3 months or so since the last Newsletter has been highlighted by regular and persistent rainfall.  Despite the difficult working conditions the rain creates, our construction team has done a great job in keeping Stage and Lot construction going and has managed to successfully complete the 29 Lots in Stages 52 & 53 as well as the 36 Lots in Stages 54 & 55.  They’ve now moved onto the 36 Lots in Stages 56 & 57 and the 30 Lots in Stages 58 & 59 which are well underway.

On the sales front, there’s been a noticeable pickup in sales and enquiry since the release of our latest Stage 62 (28 lots) which went to market in mid-October and approx.. half of which are now sold.

Now that we’re finally seeing some sunshine, the grass is growing rapidly and Neville our mower-man is putting in some long days to help maintain the amenity of the Estate.

Stage 52 & 53 (29 Lots)

Titles issued for these Lots on the 4th November and settlements are presently taking place.

Stage 54 & 55 (36 Lots)

Stage construction finished in October and the fences are being installed.  Titles are expected around the end of November and settlements mid-December.



Stage 56 & 57 (36 Lots) and 58 & 59 (30 Lots)

Construction is now well under way, with ongoing earthworks and retaining walls.  Titles are predicted around May next year.

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