Stages 65 & 67 Construction of the 48 lots in Stages 65 & 67 has been completed and Titles are expected to issue any day. Image of Ashdown Drive in Stage 65 looking north into Stage 67 and beyond. […]
Stages 65 & 67 Construction of the 48 lots in Stages 65 & 67 is nearing completion, with Practical Completion (PC) of the civil works scheduled for 21/03/2023. Titles are anticipated in May. Image of Stage 65, Ashdown Drive looking […]
Stages 65 & 67 Construction for both stages started in September and is currently in its 5th phase. Titles are anticipated in May 2023. Image of Stage 65 Ashdown Drive looking north. Image of Stage 65 Ashdown Drive looking […]
Strong sales demand has continued unabated since the last update. The on-online registration/sales process adopted by our selling agents Oliver Hume has proved very popular with prospective purchasers and every Stage Release in recent times has sold-out within days. The […]
A plain wall has been transformed into an impressive mural featuring local birds and flowers in Commercial Place in Drouin just 6km from Waterford Rise. A year in the making, the mural is being funding by anonymous local people […]
Baw Baw Shire Council and local sporting clubs are celebrating a $6 million boost from the Victorian Government’s Community Sports Infrastructure Stimulus Program to expand the Warragul Leisure Centre Stadium. The $10.05 million expansion will transform the existing stadium […]
First Home Buyers Damien Adams and Cassidy Thomas purchased lot 6714 in Stage 67 and will settle in March. “We decided to go to Warragul because we saw a few ads on Facebook and really liked it down that way. […]
Significant change has occurred in the Australian property market over the last year and one of the greatest examples has been the surging increase in popularity for regional real estate. Regional cities close to metropolitan areas, in particular, have been […]
Waterford Rise is currently experiencing a level of demand seen only once or twice in its history. Our most recent release involved eight regular sized Lots in Stage 70 and for the first time was conducted by selling agents Oliver […]
Jo Clapton has been renting in Waterford Rise for 3 years and loves it so much she is building a new home there in 2021. She moved to Warragul from Croydon “on a whim” and hasn’t looked back. Jo has […]